Wednesday 6 October 2010

When you lose you gain.

I lost who i thougth was my bestest friend ever, I cryed for days,beating myslef up about how horrible i must be. When really I was'nt to blame nor was she, if anything i should be thanking her, because although i lost are closeness or friendship, i gained something so much better... ACE GANG!! When i was BFF with her, i wasnt properly me i was hiding away and whenever i peeked out, i shot right back in because she didnt like it, because she doesnt have the same crazyness i have, but now i can be who i want where and when ever with out being worried if my friends will dislike me because of it, there just as crazy as me and were be crazy and laugh with me. Sure i lost A great friend, but to be really honste i havent lost anything, okay were not as close as we were but we still talk occasionally, and what i will never lose is our great memories we made,, To you( I think you know who you are) I just want to say thank you, for having to put up with me, and being there and now because of you my life is just almost perfect. I will never hate you for fallign out with me, because whats the point, all the memories weve had will last forever and i wont regret ... ever ... being friends with you, thank you, you wonderful person.

Just remember although you've lost something great your gain something even better <3

Love Tylerr

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